  • Dishwasher
  • Dishwasher
  • Dishwasher
  • Dishwasher
  • Dishwasher
  • Dishwasher
  • Dishwasher
  • Dishwasher
  • Dishwasher
  • Dishwasher
  • Dishwasher

14 min Ceev ntxuav
Triple drying system, ntxuav thiab tshem tawm cov kab mob
BLDC inverter lub cev muaj zog
42dB ntsiag to ntxuav
15 Chaw muaj peev xwm loj
8 Cov qauv ntxuav


Technical Parameter

Dimensions (WxHxD) 598x845x598 (mm)
Kev ntsuas fais fab 1900 wb
Muaj peev xwm 15 Qhov chaw teeb tsa
Tam sim no 10 (A)
Kev siv dej 5 Hnub qub
Kev siv hluav taws xob 4 Hnub qub
Net nyhav 56kg ua

Kev teeb tsa

Xa koj daim ntawv thov

Cov lus qhia ntsig txog

Tiv tauj peb

State Of Art Technology Coj Koj Los Ntawm Kev Zoo Siab Ua Noj Ua Ntej Ua Kev Ua Liaj Ua Li Cas
Tiv tauj peb tam sim no
+86 0571-89176089
Hnub Monday-Friday: 8 teev sawv ntxov txog 5:30 teev tsaus ntuj Hnub Saturday, Hnub Sunday: Kaw

Ua raws li peb